This website uses cookies, also from third-parties, to improve services and user's experience. For more information or to deny your consent, read the extense report.
Perfette da sole per la stagione estiva o sotto giacche e copispalla, le canotte di Martucci Boutique comprendono una vasta gamma di materiali come viscosa,seta, raso o cotone , impreziositi da inserti floreali, intrecci, ricami in pizzo e molto altro. Sempre con l'offerta delle migliori marche high end e non solo come: Versace Jeans Couture , Calvin Klein, LIU JO , Elisabetta Franchi.
Please note that the data you provide to the operator of this site upon your completion of the "contact form" (or forms or mail) available on site, will be treated in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, Code for the protection of Personal Data.
The contact form made available on the site has the sole purpose of allowing site visitors to contact, if desired, the operator of the site, by sending an email through this form to the manager.
This statement concerns personal data sent by visitors when completing the contact form.
Please note that the data given voluntarily through the form will be turned into an email that will eventually be kept in the system of receiving emails used by the owner of the site.
These data will be not recorded on other media or devices, neither data will be recorded trough the navigation on the website.
The purpose of processing your data are the following:
The information you send will be used only to contact you again possibly through the references you left through the contact form in order to process your requests contained in any message you send via the contact form available on the website.
a. The personal data will only common data strictly necessary and relevant to the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above.
b. The processing of personal data is realized through the operations or transactions listed in Art. 4 paragraph 1 letter. a) D. Decree 196/2003.
c. The processing is done directly by the owner.
Remember that you are not obliged to give the site manager of the personal data requested through the contact form.
The conferment of your data via the contact form is optional.
However, the refusal to grant access for the purposes of Art.1 will result in the inability to contact the website manager via the contact form made available on site.
The personal data collected through the contact form will be emailed to the operator of this website, who will be the holder of the treatment.
Remember that any time you can exercise the rights granted to you by article 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, which we quote below, by writing to the operator of this website via the contact form.
Art. 7. of Leg. 196/2003
Right to Access Personal Data and Other Rights
1. You have the right to obtain confirmation of whether or not personal data concerning him, though not yet recorded and their communication in intelligible form.
2. You have the right to obtain information
a) origin of personal data;
b) the purposes and methods of treatment;
c) the logic applied in case of processing with the aid of electronic tools d) the identity of the owner, manager and the representative appointed under article 5, paragraph 2;
e) subjects or categories of persons to whom the data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the State, managers or agents.
3. You have the right to:
a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data that is not necessary kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
c) certification that the operations in letters a) and b) have been notified, also as regards their contents, to those to whom the data were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.
4. You have the right to object, in whole or in part:
a) for legitimate reasons the processing of personal data concerning him, as well as to the scope of the collection;
b) the processing of personal data for purposes of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market surveys or commercial communication.
The treatment will last no more than necessary to the purposes for which the data were collected.
Modal title
Direttiva Omnibus
Prezzo soggetto ad obblighi previsti dalla Direttiva Omnibus, attuata in Italia con il Decreto Legislativo 7 marzo 2023 n. 26.
La Direttiva Europea ha lo scopo di aumentare il livello di trasparenza verso i consumatori, toccando temi importanti per siti web ed e-commerce, quali:
- gestione delle recensioni
- comunicazioni in occasione delle riduzioni di prezzo
- condizioni di vendita dei marketplace
Con la presente l'e-commerce si impegna ad applicare la Direttiva Omnibus riguardo la modalità di gestione dei cambi di prezzo che prevede:
"Ogni annuncio di riduzione di prezzo indica il prezzo precedente applicato dal professionista per un determinato periodo di tempo prima dell’applicazione di tale riduzione. Per prezzo precedente si intende il prezzo più basso applicato dal professionista alla generalità dei consumatori nei trenta giorni precedenti all’applicazione della riduzione del prezzo."
*Casi esclusi: vendita prodotti agricoli e alimentari deperibili; prodotti immessi sul mercato da meno di 30 giorni.
*Si precisa che la Direttiva Omnibus è una misura legislativa più ampia che riguarda la semplificazione e l'aggiornamento di diverse direttive esistenti dell'Unione Europea. Cui doveroso riportare all'atto di direttiva UE recepita riferita da fonte ufficiale, Gazzetta Ufficiale:
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Wait. Operation in progress.
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Impostazioni dei cookie
Holder of data processing di Boutique Martucci Srls e MagicStore srl,
What are cookies?
Cookies are made of portions of code (text files or pieces of data) sent from a server to the users’ web browser, from such web browser automatically stored in the users' computer and sent automatically back to the server on every occasion or at a later access to the website.
A cookie typically contains the name of the website from which the cookie has come, the lifetime of the cookie (that is, how long it will remain on the users' device) and a value, which is usually a randomly generated unique number. At every subsequent visit cookies are sent back to the website they arise from (first-party cookies) or to another website recognizing them (third-party cookies). Cookies are useful since they allow a website to recognize the users' device and have different purposes, such as, enabling to browse the web pages efficiently, remembering preferred websites and, generally speaking, improving the browsing experience. They also contribute to ensure that advertising contents, which are displayed online, are more focused to users and to their personal interests.
If users decide to disable cookies, their browsing experience could be influenced and/or limited, for example they would not be able to visit specific sections of a website or could not get customized information when visiting websites
How cookies work? How to delete cookies?
Working methods, as well as options to limit or block cookies, can be controlled by changing browser settings. Most web browsers are initially set to accept cookies automatically, but users can modify these settings to block cookies or to be warned each time cookies are sent to their devices. There are many ways to manage cookies, therefore users need to refer to instructions or to help screens of their web browser in order to check how to adjust or change its settings. Users can change predefined settings and disable cookies (i.e. block them once and for all), by setting the highest level of protection.
Shown below are the links to handle cookies of the following browsers:
If users employ different types of devices to view and access the websites (i.e. computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.), they need to make sure of each browser to be set on every device as reflecting their own preferences about cookies. To delete cookies from the web browser of their own smartphone/tablet, they need to refer to browsers' manuals pertaining to the device.
Which cookies we use and for what purposes?
Navigation Cookies
From the first access, these cookies allow the site to work properly and allow you to view the content on your device by recognizing the language and the market of the country from which you choose to connect. If you are a registered user, they allow to recognize and access to services of the dedicated areas. Navigation cookies are technical and are necessary for the operation of the site.
Functional Cookies
These cookies allow us, based on your specific request, to recognize the subsequent accesses so that you don’t need to enter your details each time you visit the site (for example: "Remember me next time").
If you have added products to your basket and then closed your session, without purchasing and withoul cancelling them, these cookies allow you to continue your purchase the next time you connect again to the website (for a limited period of time) so that you find your selected products.
Analytical Cookies
These cookies are used for statistical analysis on how the users web surf on our site. We treat the results of these analyzes anonymously and exclusively for statistical purposes. This website uses the services of Google Analytics, third parties, which itself install its own cookies.
These cookies are necessary to allow your social accounts to interact with our site. They are used for example to make you express your appreciation and share with your social friends. Cookies social networks are not necessary for navigation.
Which is the information gathered?
Boutique Martucci Srls saves solely and exclusively the data provided by the user, indispensable data for the account registration. All data is inserted by the user himself/herself for the registration to the website and also for the newsletter acceptance. All data about payment (credit card and/or online accounts) is handled exclusively by bank establishments on their own secure server. Boutique Martucci Srls doesn’t register any above-mentioned data.
Who is gathering the information? With which purposes?
Boutique Martucci Srls gathers the data that allows the user to enter in the website and the products’ pursuit on sell on the e-commerce in order to simplify the pursuit process, to access to the order history and to manage the shipment’s addresses. These data can be cancelled/modified in any moment from the user in his/her account’s management area.
Boutique Martucci Srls uses the data provided by the user and the related cookies (cookies’ regulation) for the following purposes:
- Marketing and re-marketing through Facebook Ads, Google AdWords and Google Shopping;
- Advertising Newsletter about solely website;
Is this data transfered or spread to a third party?
Solely if an order has been done, Boutique Martucci Srls transfers the client’s data to MagicStore Srl as it is the management platform provider on which the e-commerce is settled. Boutique Martucci Srls pledges that no data is transfered to any other third-party. In case that the user’s payment is through Paypal’s platform, the shipment address is communicated to Paypal, in order to meet the security criteria requested by the platform itself.
Is the data management system safe?
All data saved on the server respond to the highest security standard. Boutique Martucci Srls and MagicStore Srl pledge to constantly protect and maintain safe all data, not allowing its access to external company or unauthorized people.
Information retention time
Data provided by the user will be stored in Boutique Martucci Srls website‘s database until user cancel him/her account himself/herself or the website manager cancels it by the user.
How do I cancel my information from the website?
Boutique Martucci Srls and MagicStor Srl pledge the “Right to Oblivion” established by the European Union regulation 2016/679 (GDPR). User will be able to decide to cancel his/her account and/or the newsletter subscription in any moment by entering in his/her account. The historic information provided by the user will be immediately cancelled as it will be cancelled also his/her profile. The only track that will be kept is the information about orders made by the client on the website, which are essential for the electronic commerce regulations.
Gestione Preferenze Cookie
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